Illness & Medicine
For the health and wellness of our teachers, staff, and students please keep your child home if they are ill. Please refer to the Attendance link on how to report your child's absence.
State law requires that children stay home from school for the following reasons:
Contagious health problems (ex. chicken pox, strep throat, skin rashes of undetermined origin)
Lack of immunizations; except when having a medical exemption on file in the office.
Head lice, children must stay home from school until the hair has been treated and ALL of the eggs (nits) have been removed. Please check in with the office prior to returning to class.
Fever - Children need to be fever-free WITHOUT medicine for 24 hours before returning to school.
Vomiting or Diarrhea - Children need to stay home for at least 24 hours after vomiting or having diarrhea before returning to school.
Sometimes it can be difficult to decide whether to send children to school when they wake up with symptoms of any illness or complaints that they do not feel well. If your child has an illness that prevents them from participating comfortably in school activities, or the illness results in greater care needs, please keep your child at home.
Medicine at School
If your child requires medicine during school hours State law requires schools to have a Hold Harmless form on file. This applies to:
Any prescription drugs, such as Epi-Pens, inhalers, etc.
Over-The-Counter (OTC) medicine, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, sunscreen, lip balm, nose spray, lotions, eye drops, cough drops, etc.
These items will be stored in the school nurse's office with the appropriate form. Asthma inhalers and sunscreen are exempt from office storage and can be kept in a child's backpack in the classroom, but a doctor's note for informational records is still required.
You can download the MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM here.